英 [rɑːdʒ]美
- n. (印)统治;支配;主权
- n. (Raj)人名;(匈)劳伊;(印、尼、斐)拉杰;(塞、瑞典)拉伊
- raj
- raj: [18] English acquired the word raj, of course, from the period of British rule in India. It was borrowed from Hindi rāj ‘reign’, which goes back to Sanskrit rājā, a derivative of rājati ‘he rules’. Closely related is rajah [16], which came (probably via Portuguese) from Hindi rājā, a descendant of Sanskrit rājan ‘king’ (the Sanskrit feminine from rājnī produced ranee [17]).
The whole family of words goes back to an Indo- European base *rēg-, which also produced Latin rēx ‘king’, source of English regal and royal. Maharajah [17] means literally ‘great ruler’ (Hindi mahā ‘great’ comes from the same source as Latin magnus ‘great’, ancestor of English magnify, magnitude, etc).
=> regal, royal - Raj (n.)
- British rule in India, 1859, from Hindi raj "rule, dominion, kingdom" (see rajah).
- 1. Raj: You are beginning to get the idea, Paul.
- 瑞吉: 你开始抓到要领了, 保罗.
- 2. Raj : Then we could be the Bengal tigers.
- 那我们可以叫“孟加拉虎队”.
- 3. And Administrator Raj Shah is leading our efforts.
- 拉吉夫?沙赫署长负责主持这方面的工作.
- 4. The days of the British raj are ended.
- 英国统治的日子结束了.
- 5. Raj: Your ego, identified with and as body, equates alertness with physical movement, physical accomplishing.
- 瑞吉: 你的小我与身体认同, 总爱把机灵与身体的运作 、 具体的成就划上等号.